Agile Health Check

Why measure agility

Agile Health Check is used to provide feedback on how far we are with the implementation of agile approaches. Agility is a journey, not a destination. And so you may be wondering, why actually measure agility? It makes sense, and you can look at some of the many possible reasons here:

  • We are interested in how well we manage to meet the expectations of agile transformation
  • We want to look at a common problem that permeates the whole company and then solve it
  • We want to know if our teams are able to deliver in sprints and in an agile way of working
  • We do not want to stand still and we would like to know what to develop further

Who to do Agile Health Check for

Practically anyone can receive feedback:

  • A team that deals with an agile way of working
  • Management of the company who wants to know whether we are moving towards meeting the expectations you have set for agile transformation and whether their investment in transformation is returning
  • A team working on agile transformation and wanting to see how it can help teams across the company

What is Agile Health Check

Generally speaking, you can think of Agile Health Check as a measurement and evaluation of the results obtained in connection with the implementation of agility in your company. The measurement itself should be as simple as possible and, if possible, should not distract teams from work. As with any metric, it’s important that these measurements don’t happen too often and have value to the recipient.

What we can help you with

In many cases, it pays to prepare the Agile Health Check yourself. However, if you need help with the design, or if you need an independent view from the outside of the company, we will be happy to help you process the Agile Health Check. Agile Health Check processing times vary depending on your specific needs, the availability of your teams and the scope of measurement. In general, however, it can be said that it is in units of weeks.

How it usually works:

  1. Together we agree on what and why we want to measure
  2. Based on the inputs, we will propose the method of measurement and the form of interpretation of the results
  3. We take measurements
  4. We present the results and recommend follow-up steps

Form of output

We always measure in the context of your company and your needs, so the form of outputs always differs.

Are you interested in more information?

Do not hesitate to contact us without obligation