Choosing the right product owner, scrum master, or coach to help you with agile transformation is one of the key conditions for the success of your agile teams. You can already find a number of people with experience in agility on the market today. They differ from each other by different levels of experience, good and bad habits, potential, whether they will become great scrum masters in the future, willingness to work cross – functionally, tendency for micromanagement instead of supporting self-organizing teams and many other parameters. Finding and selecting the right candidate is a difficult task for many companies, especially if they are new to agile.

That’s why we offer you help with the selection of candidates:

  •  agile transformation coaches
  •  scrum masters
  •  product owners
  •  developers (analysts, developers, testers and test analysts, dev-ops engineers and others)

We have years of experience in recruiting and searching for the above positions and have completed at least hundreds of interviews and selection procedures focused on the selection of agile players. Therefore, we recommend the following services regarding the selection of the right candidates:

  • providing of external specialists (time & material)
  • recommendation of candidates for internal employees to our customers (within EU)
  • participation in tenders and providing feedback to participants in tenders
  • help with the preparation of live-action scenes during interviews that will help to see your candidates how they behave in real situations

For our recommended candidates (whether for internal or external employment), we find references from previous employers or in the agile community.

Testimonials from our clients

Employment agency – professional search for employees and consulting services

Lucid Bay Digital s.r.o. has a permit from the General Directorate of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic to mediate employment pursuant to § 60 par. 1 of the Employment Act, for all types of work in all fields, in forms of employment mediation pursuant to § 14 para. 1 point. a) and c) of the Employment Act (job search for a natural person applying for a job and search for employees for an employer looking for new workforce, and advisory and information activities in the field of job opportunities).

We will help even if there is no Agilist on the market with knowledge of your field

Do you need to find a scrum master, product owner, or even a leader with knowledge of Agility, but also knowledge of your field of business and can’t find one? It is possible that experts with such experience are not yet on the market. In such a situation, we offer you a possible solution, we have an experience with the education and subsequent development of hundreds of agilists.

  • you do not have a suitable candidate, we will have someone recommend you
    • we will recommend you a suitable candidate for the position you are looking for
    • we will train candidates free of charge with the initial training needed for the searched Agile position
  • you have a suitable candidate who does not yet have an experience with Agile
    • we will be happy to train your candidate in the field of product ownership, leadership, or the role of scrum mastership. You can choose from our training offer, or we will be happy to prepare tailor-made training according to your needs.
    • we recommend ordering follow-up mentoring, consultations or coaching to make it easier for the candidate to start in a new position
  • may also come in handy
    • preparation of a development plan from the point of view of Agility tailor-made
    • we will help you assess multiple candidates from the perspective of an Agile mindset and their suitability for filling Agile roles